Monday, August 17, 2009

unpacking of Guests on the Sea.. .

Palestine is located between the shores of the Mediterranean and the Jordan River. It has been ruled by Jews, Christians, and Muslims who all wanted to own the land for their own needs and demands. Because of this, a lot of conflicts have emerged.

In the poem Guests on the Sea by the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, he talks about the journey of Palestinians and their struggles for having their own land since this land is considered to be owned by Israel.

1. Who are the guests on the sea? Where do they come from?

We did not come to this country from a country...

We did not come to this place from a language of place...

The 'we' referred here are the Palestinians and they are the guests on the sea. They did not come from other countries and they grew up in the same land (the 'sea' referred in the poem) that Israel has considered to be theirs. They were called guests because they didn't have the right to land ownership. Palestine is recognized as a nation but it is not a country.

2. What do images of pomegranates and glue of memory evoke?

we came from pomegranates, from the glue of memory...

A pomegranate is a fruit that grows on different countries and also the place Palestinians longed for. It shows that they've been on that place for very long. It's like the Palestinians were seeds scattered on that land and there they grew. The 'glue of memory' is an image that adds to the idea of being temporary. 'Memory' implies that it does not exist anymore -- it's just a memory. It gives an idea that they did not come from somewhere else. They came from that same place that they 'visited'.

3. Explain the meaning of journey. Why does the short visit go long?

Guests on the sea: Our visit is short...
Do not ask us how long we will stay among you,
do not ask us anything about our visit...

On the very first line of the poem, the persona seems to be not sure if they would really have a short visit. The line is an irony. As the persona says this line, he convinces himself that the visit would be short although he really doubts if it would come true. The journey they have is the journey for having a land of their own. Their journey becomes long although they said that it'll be short. It becomes long since the Israelites wouldn't give them what they needed and until now, they struggle and fight for what they believed should be righteous for them. They become like squatters in the land where they were born and grew.

4. Explain the biblical allusions: creation, apple, sacrifice, and mercy, present in the poem.

from what Mediterranean will the creation begin?
We shall send another apple to the waters, circles within circles...
Is there another rock over which to offer a new sacrifice for your mercy?

In the first line, the creation here means the creation of the universe like what was stated in the Bible. They sought for a place they can live in the Mediterranean. The apples mentioned here does not necessarily mean the temptation. It gives the idea of significance of the apple in the Bible. They sent another apple in the sea because they did not lose hope in their struggle. When the apple was sent to the sea, it created ripples and this ripples represent the visit of the guests which goes longer. The second line above is like a question to every Palestinian and asks, "What will we do? Will there be hope?" It shows their great longing for a land of their own. They are also like begging because of the word mercy. They are perhaps seeking for help to God so that their sufferings would end.

5. What is implied by the repeated phrase: Sea, do not give us the song we do not deserve. What is meant by the metaphoric use of martyr, wise men, and woman.

woman has her first task: seduction...
it is for martyrs to explore in dream...
it is for wise men to lead a people on towards happy dreams...

The song referred here can possibly be the bombings. When a bomb explodes, it creates a sound and that perhaps could be the melody of the song. It is not the song they deserve because the song creates bad melody and it is not beneficial for them. The bombs were not the one they needed. They needed a land of their own. The use of metaphors like woman, martyr and wise men all refer to Palestinians who have tasks to do. Woman here perhaps refers to Eve and she is responsible why we all know what is good and evil. The martyr here can also be a character in the Bible like Abel. He was very obedient to God. On the other hand, the wise men worshipped Jesus as they sought for him. They gave Jesus gifts, too.

6. Explain imagery of distance and alienation as the language of land.

Because of the conflict between the Israelites and Palestinians, the Palestinians have become distant and alienated. In another sense, the language of Palestine and Israel are very different that they become so distant of each other especially Palestine since
they were regarded only as guests. A simpler interpretation of this can be a Filipino and a Korean. In the Philippines, most Filipinos cannot understand the language of Koreans and Koreans are only regarded as guests in the country.

7. In the last stanza, comment on: the implication of what is lost and desired and the line: the sea has died within us...

How many moons have given their rings to one who is not of us.
How many stones has the swallow aid in the distance.
How many years shall we sleep as guests on the sea, wait for a place and say:
In a little while we shall leave here.
We have died from sleep and have broken here.
It is only the temporary that will last in us, age of the sea.

We want to live for a time, not for nothing
...but we want the country of our morning coffee
we want the fragrance of primitive plants
we want a special school
we want a special cemetary
we want a freedom
the size of a skull... and a song.

The lines under the first asterisk are images of the sacrifices of the Palestinians in their struggle for having a country of their own. The lines under the second asterisk are images of the desires of the Palestinians. They really wanted a land they can call theirs. They do not want to be guests on the sea. They want to settle in their own country.
The line 'the sea has died within us' somehow shows that the persona slowly loses hope. This line also conveys a meaning for all the Palestinians. It is like a call to action. Although they still haven't won today, there's still hope especially if all of them would make a move.

Mahmoud Darwish probably made this poem to serve as a call to all Palestinians. It gives hope to all of them especially those who have sacrificed and lost a lot during their struggles. Indeed, in every dark cloud, there's always a silver lining in it. And there will always be hope.

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